Need car servicing or repairs on Brisbane’s Northside? For your next log book service or repair, head to the local mechanics at Crust Mechanical Repairs in Wilston. We service all makes and models and prioritise quality work and parts, ensuring you get a value-for-money service which ticks all your boxes, every time.
How Often Should I Service My Car?
All cars need to be maintained. Just because your sticker states a date does not always mean that you can wait that long If you drive your car every day, chances are you’ll go over the recommended number of kilometers well before this date, so check the kilometers!
Regular maintenance on your vehicle ensures you’re getting the best fuel economy and performance from your car, it helps to reduce the overall costs of car ownership, keeps you and your passengers safe, plus there are also environmental benefits in lower emissions.
We recommend that for optimum car maintenance, road safety and peace of mind, all cars are serviced every 5,000 km. We offer a full service and minor service at our car repairs and servicing workshop in Wilston, close to both Newmarket and Wilston train stations. Ready to book your car in for a service? Call Crust Mechanical Repairs on 07 3356 2244.